Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Belated Party Pictures

While I did post Tia's birthday list and all that jazz, she's still wondering why her party pictures never made it here.  She's pretty sure all parties need to make it onto this blog (they don't, by a long shot) but, for her, here are her party pictures.  Looking at these pictures makes it look like it was just John and I and a herd of kids (which isn't odd at our house) but 4 grandparents and a couple of uncles were here as well.  I had lots of helpers for decorating cupcakes, and yes...all of those are cupcakes.  Meaning there were more than enough for Grandpa Clinger and a bunch of the kids to have a cupcake eating contest toward the end of the party (see last picture, Cannon was almost the champion cupcake eater!)

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