These are from a fun day with Shanie's Abby. Spencer and Abby have had such a fun bond and friendship their whole lives. Spencer loves that Abby is also his cousin. (yay small towns, Spencer's great Grandma and Abby's Great Grandpa are brother and sister). When these 2 were little and just starting to talk Spencer called Abby "Happy" and Abby called Spencer "Fister". At 7 they have resumed these nicknames and every time one is spoken they crack up!! They are just a few months apart in age and have always played well and can always make each other laugh and laugh.
This particular day aside from the water fight they also started their own news station called "the New News hour with Happy and Fister". Being a journalist from Neato News back in the day I totally understand the desire to start your own news program but it still surprised me and made me laugh. I want to find my Neato News tapes and let these 2 listen to them.
The fun never ends around here. Abby is one of the best bonuses I can think of to living here in SV again. Abby and her mom both.
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