Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Presentation time

A couple of the kids are in dog 4-H this year and we've been getting geared up for presentation time. A lot of thought has been put into which photos they want to use for their posters for the presentations. Spencer has decided to not only include info and photos of Molly (his project dog) but also to tell about the other dogs in the family (including Toj who passed away a couple of years ago.) It has been fun to go through the pictures. It is so crazy to me how much I can still miss Toj.
Anyway, 4-H is going so well and it looks like Molly is going to learn enough that we won't have to label her "special". Haha, she really is a smart dog, puppies can just be so ....annoying!
We've been watching a lot of The Simpsons (as always) and today caught the episode where Santa's little helper has to go to obedience school. John was cracking up at how like our dogs Santa's helper is in that episode. Like Corie would say, the line between The Simpsons and reality is oh so thin!!

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