Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Support Small Business! I try.

Supporting local businesses is important.  A month or so ago I came across this one. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The important things

I've decided that things like doing the dishes are much less important than playing cars with these boys. 

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

11 years old! Happy Birthday Skunk!

Last month marked the 11 year anniversary of when I became a mom.  My big grown up 5th grader turned 11!  And to mark the occasion here is his list of his top eleven favorite things in the world right this minute.

8~Call of Duty Black Ops
9~Hunting games
11~Mt. Dew

Oh yes, this list speaks of my boy right now.  If I'd asked for a longer list I'm sure Metallica would make the list, and camping, and watching The Simpsons.  And of course his grandparents.  And football.  And his dogs.  Probably Lego, and Matchbox cars too.  And a couple of uncles, some cousins.  Laughing, family movie night, playing card games... Eleven is a bit limiting when you are trying to name your favorite things isn't it?

Monday, September 05, 2011

We're oh so busy

Busy crawling, busy getting into everything, busy learning the mechanics of standing and taking steps.  And mama is oh so busy cleaning up everything I'm helpful enough to pull out and 'sort' for her.