A couple of things to add today. I'm thankful for mornings like this. I am sitting here with my cup of raspberry tea (that is supposed to be good for the uterus, which is supposed to be a good place to grow a baby, which is what we hope to use mine for someday). Anyway, my hot tea, my Counting Crows playing on the speakers, the sun coming in through the window through the colorful leaves right outside said window, these 2 sleepy dogs at my feet, a boy safely on the bus headed to school and a couple of hours to spend as I please before it is time to get ready to head to work. Peaceful wonderful morning really. These moments I'm thankful for.
And, on to the picture. What I wanted to say today is that I'm thankful for John's job. And for my wonderful husband who goes to his job to take care of us. I have spent much of our time living here having a hard time adjusting, missing teaching at the massage school, missing friends and nieces, missing being so much busier with my work, missing movie theater choices, dreading the 8 month winter here, feeling a little isolated. I do have my moments that I really enjoy living here and I do have many reasons I know we need to be here right now. But aside from all of that I know I am thankful to be here, for John's job. We have seen so many close to us going through such difficult job losses and related hardships and I know it is just selfish for me to complain when I know we have a good thing going here. We are still able to contribute (very modestly) to a couple of important charities and causes and still take care of our kids (and dogs:), times aren't as easy as they once were financially but we can't complain. And I'm thankful. (using that word a lot aren't I?) ~This all makes me realize that I need to focus on things I feel positive about HERE where I live. There's a goal for me!~
So I know I have some pictures somewhere of my husband at work, or at the very least the 'cabin' he's working on right now, but couldn't find them. This picture is a shot of him right after a day of work. His commute to work and back killed the bird, for that not so thankful. John thought this was a great picture though and especially wants his brothers to see it. (did you hear that Liza, Jen, Donna? If your husbands haven't seen this then show them now).

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