Happy Birthday Deja! You are 10 today and that blows me away! I can't believe a decade has passed since you got here. I was living with your mom and dad and Des when you were born. You were such an anxiously awaited baby~everyone was so excited to meet you. It was wonderful to be there and be able to spend so much time with baby you.
I feel so lucky to be your aunt. I have loved watching you grow into the smart funny girl you are now. You are so on my list of favorite people to hang out with, you always have a way of making people smile. You are so creative and such a good artist. You are beautiful.
You have a lot of really unique qualities that are beyond your years, you have a sensitivity and understanding of people's emotions that most kids don't, you are so caring and loving. This is part of what makes you so good with all animals you meet.
You have a clear view of what you believe is right and wrong and you are intense and strong enough to always want to carry out justice. This is a good good thing, but remember to sometimes take care of you too.
You are a terrific cousin, Spencer loves loves loves playing with you. You guys have always had a strong bond and could play for hours without conflict. One of my favorite times was when we were all at Grandma and Grandpa Moon's for Grandpa's birthday and your mom and I couldn't find you and Spencer, we went looking and found you in Uncle Colin's room with a gigantic pile of weapons between you, guns, bows and arrows, staffs, swords, sling shots...you name it it was there. We stopped unseen outside the door and heard you say "Spencer, I'm sooooo glad you are teaching me how to use all these weapons! I only have a ton of sisters and I needed someone to teach me this important stuff!!!!!"
Spencer is also oh so impressed at how loud you can burp. Indeed, you do burp louder and longer than anyone I've met, and my advise it to choose your company wisely when you let that charm shine through!
I love you so very much, so much more than there are words to describe. Happy Happy Birthday. I hope you have many happy wishes and dreams come true!
Aunt Dena
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